Fab Weddings

Creating Happily Ever After!
Rehearsals! Should you have a rehearsal?
Or is that unnecessary?
You deserve the least amount of stress possible at your wedding. Rehearsals help eliminate anxiety and provide a low-stress way to gather, practice, get to know the families and wedding party. Rehearsals assure that you are comfortable with your ceremony.
You will know exactly who needs to do what, when, and where.
We will run through the ceremony order as often as you need, in order to feel comfortable on the day of your wedding. Because it's YOUR day, and we want you to enjoy yourselves.
Rehearsals are scheduled wherever you choose--they do not need to be held at the wedding venue. Scheduling times and availabilities vary for wedding rehearsals, so talk to Pastor Jane early about arranging your specific time.
Who attends the rehearsal?
All members of the wedding party
Parents of the couple
Other close friends and family, as you choose.

Jane is an amazing speaker. She did an excellent job capturing their love and pulling at the heart strings with stories of how their relationship got to this point. I also loved how she made them laugh. Most importantly, she was very easy to work with and talked with all the vendors before the wedding to make sure the ceremony went smoothly.
Katie Mallett